The best way to ensure all your hard work to make a change in your life does not end up wasted, you must start with a definitive change of mindset from who you were before.
Year: 2018
Making time to be alone allows you to make intentional alone time to take a tough look at yourself and your life.
At 135 episode, I am able to quickly take an idea and turning it around into an audio file waiting for release as a podcast. But it took all the work from the trials of episode #0 to the review of episode #134 to make the process of producing 135 seem so seamless and smooth.
Make time to check on allies. Whether it is random or scheduled, the best way to make sure allies remain allies is to make sure they are doing well.
If ‘do’ does not work, you can use ‘don’t’ as a ‘Plan B’
You may want to collect trophies and memorabilia to help you remember key victories and moments. But those physical things contain no magic from the even they memorialize.
You need time away from your regular routine. You need to plan your time away with as much precision and strategy as a major project at work you may be trying to get time away from.
A sudden traumatic event has a way of reminding you of what tasks are important and what tasks really can wait.
Your brand distinguishes you from all the other ‘things’ in the world but is only as good as you actually are in delivering what you promise.
Having all the talent and potential in the world will do nothing for the person who is never prepared for the opportunities to try out.