Next time you are in the act of committing some wrong towards a person, do not make an effort to stop and apologize. Just right the wrong on the spot.
Month: June 2018
[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=14936733″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” ] It is easy for us to get so wrapped
Never try to excuse your faults as ‘keeping it real,’ but don’t totally discount their role in influencing your strengths and balancing out your personality.
You will never have a perfect time and rarely a good time to act. But the opportune time is whenever you have the energy and capacity to work a task.