The Better Mousetrap You May Or May Not Build

There are plenty of people looking to build a better mousetrap. Maybe you are one of them.

You can carry a debate as to whether they are really looking to have the world beat a path to their door or not but working towards innovation is a common motivation for many. Even if the real motivation is wrapped in the desire to sell more new innovative mousetraps than the competition.

Any person can make a claim to want innovation. Many are also willing to put in the investment of time, money, and sweat to initiate that innovation. None of this means that person will be the one to be the first to market with the better mousetrap. Or ever. Or if they do, will own that market for any length of noticeable time.

If you think you can build a better mousetrap, I invite you to try. I personally expect you to fail, but that failure is all a part of the learned process that could get them closer to that better mousetrap. Or could not help you decide that the mousetrap market does not need an infusion of life from you.

The world could use that better mousetrap. The world needs more innovative thinkers within the ranks. Whether you choose to build better mousetraps, write better literature, or run better companies, we need you to step up.

Yes, I am talking to you.

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