You’ve put off editing that first novel for weeks.
You believe the story is solid and the reach for this novel has potential, but the work you need to put into putting fingers to keyboard and writing takes away from the work that is paying the bills right now. You are so focused on that big account at the office that could mean a raise and a possible promotion.
So you’ve been putting off some needed editing to your first novel because of the possibility of monetary freedom from your job. Which if all works out well, will finally give you the time to edit that first novel
Made more sense before you read the words with your own eyes, right?
So what are you going to do about it? If you are waiting for the right amount of freedom to organically produce itself before you go to work pursuing your dreams will leave you waiting for a long, long time. So treat your personal projects as if they where paid projects. Plan, prioritize, and schedule the time you need to work on personal projects.
Treat your project as if it were a contracted deliverable, and put yourself on a deadline.
The sooner you get your personal projects done, the sooner you’ll get a chance to actually put it on the market to sell it for real.