Despite all the effort you are pouring in, things are just not going right for your current situation.
You have been stuck in this current situation for some time now. Long enough to realize it is not changing for the better on its own.
Knowing this, there is a nearly universal cure that you can apply when you are faced with situations of any sort that don’t change. And that cure can usually be summed up in one word: do.
As in: do go to the gym, do arrive early for work, do go out of your way to show someone just how much you care about them, and so on.
There is an addendum to that universal cure for when the word do is not the key to changing a situation. It too can also be summed up in a contraction formed from two words: don’t, made from the words ‘do’ and ‘not.’
As in: don’t spend money on that thing you know you’ll never use, don’t stay out late when you know you need an early start in the morning, don’t agree to work you know you cannot accomplish, and so on.
First, try a few dos, then attempt a few don’ts. See if the situation begins to right itself.