Some of the more defining things about your personality and who you are as a whole person are the things that you cannot do very well.
We are often better defined by what we cannot accomplish, even if things we cannot do that makes us look like we are not as great as we think we should be.
Or at least, what we want others to believe we are when we are not.
Things that show us in a positive light are awesome because you want to put your best foot forward in all your interactions.
But sometimes it’s best to show exactly where you aren’t so great
Where you should not be a shining example of what your peers and followers should be doing.
Especially when the contrast between the two extremes, your great talents and your woeful failings, enhances the story of just how awesome you are at the things you are awesome at.
Yes, a display of non-awesomeness in certain areas makes those awesome things you can do seem even more awesome.
A real contrast between the good skills and the not-so-great skills a person possesses make that person appear to be, shockingly, a well-rounded person,
When people know that one is a real person–
is not a perfect specimen, not some cardboard cutout of a character, not a possible living work of fiction someone made up–
other real people can form real relationships with them.
Those other real people will most likely have the blessing of talents and skills that you are lacking. Those other real people will most likely need your help in the talents and skills they are lacking, of which you should have an abundance.
Offering up your vulnerabilities may seem like a gamble, but it is actually the safest bet you can make if you really want to achieve greatness and know you are lacking something crucial to get you there. You will definitely have a better chance at ultimate success bringing in a person you know can support you in your deficiencies than trying to bear the load yourself.
We all need other people to help us achieve our goals. I do. You do. They do.
Don’t be selfish with your abilities, and overly selfish by not allowing others to use their abilities.