Find the easiest way to start a task that is difficult to do or has a long lead time to success. Success is closer than you think, especially if you deploy the right hacks and take valid shortcuts.
Year: 2022
Take broad-spectrum advice like this as needed, but the best way to get help is to ask honest friends who love you.
Remember that all the people who used the same methods and failed do not get platforms to share their lack of success.
You have more confidence when you feel good about the way you look and present yourself. It may be cliché to say, but when you think you look good, you always feel better.
One of the best ways to shake yourself out of a funk is to get a quick win. One of the ways to get a quick win is to make simple plan that is easy to complete to check off the activities.
For every 20 minutes of working in front of a screen, look at a spot 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This program will help you reduce eye strain from long screen exposure and is easy to remember (or at least program reminders to keep you on task).
Life is about developing a legacy that will last beyond your living years, not trying to stretch the living years to an unnatural extension.
Trying to fit a role may mean doing things you would not normally do. Make sure that a part of your motivation is based on your wanting to do the things.
You will often find your extra effort for others wasted and not valued or appreciated. Don’t expect a magic moment of clarity to spur you one, but don’t just stop doing the extra either
You have the right to give up on bad books, boring TV shows, dumb ideas, and people who do nothing positive for you.