There are some activities you are not meant to improve upon because there are some activities you are not meant to do because they get in the way of the activities you are supposed to work on to improve.
Year: 2022
Regular people think their regular lives do not translate to great stories to tell others. This is never true. The problem is never the story itself. The problem is not taking enough time in the editing process.
Chances are, if you had a chance to see the burdens that others you know have to carry in complete pain and detail, you might not feel so bad about your own problems and find the extra motivation to eliminate with as many as possible, once and for all.
There are plenty of people in the world at large looking to leach off your personality and you personally. Even some of the people with good intentions can end up being bad for you mentally. Combat this by getting mentally tougher and making sure to keep your mind right.
You don’t need special training just to be there for a person. You just need some patience and the ability to really listen.
It’s good to build resilience, but sometimes it isn’t your fault if something really gets to you.
No one can live forever, including you. So celebrate the joys of life whenever you can, and do what you can to not die.
There is nothing wrong with you. You have all you can to get yourself to this place you are in now. But you can’t stay here, and that means looking to what you need to do to get to ‘there.’
Some of your relationships lost during the pandemic separations may not be worth trying to put back together.
Set up more stories of how you failed and what you learned about yourself than how you overcame with little effort to oversell a positive