You will spend more time working at your job than anything else. And while your job can be fulfilling, it can also be mind-numbingly depressing. The only thing a job has to do is pay you money for the work you produce. Any love for your job (or loyalty to an employer) is unnecessary.
Month: April 2023
Sturgeon’s law, coined by Theodore Sturgeon, states that 90% of everything is crap. For you, that means the things you hold in high regard are probably only of average worth at best, so be mindful of what you choose to attach yourself to.
This is not a slight to whatever opinions on topics you have, just a reminder not to have such a high opinion of yourself.
Very simple things heavily influence a human’s well-being. Things like getting a good night’s sleep, a brisk round of exercise, and enjoying a moment of reflection can mean more to a person than wealth, power, and influence.