You think the idea is brilliant and wonder why no one has ever tried to put a similar idea into action.
Until you try to put the idea into action and find that the idea is not as original as you believed. And those other people who have attempted their similar ideas and failed.
This is where you begin to wonder if the idea was so brilliant after all.
There may not be a problem with your idea, or all the other iterations attempted beforehand. But there may be a problem with the mindset behind the persons trying to turn those ideas into tangible things.
All those who went before you believed that the rules of the game did not apply to them, or their desire to bring their idea to life. While a select few found a way to overcome the rule makers and ultimately overcome the odds of failure, Many find they get their feeling hurt when they can not demand things go their way just because.
You can save yourself a lot of frustration if you learn from the experience of those who tried before you and at least attempt to follow the established rules until you have become established enough to get more lucky calls to go your way.
Or not. Maybe you are one of those fantastic few where the rules do not apply.
You have a serious choice to make.