They think they have a handle on what their problem ultimately is. They may have found themselves focusing on a symptom, or they may be completely distracted by a non-factor that just happens to be a shiny enough object to keep their focus on.
You may think you have a better handle of what their actual problem could be. Thanks to your vantage point, an outside view of whatever is going on, you might have a greater vision of the scope of the issue.
Stop what you are thinking. Right now. Please stop.
You cannot try to force feed your thoughts on how to fix them unless they are actively moving towards harming someone, themselves or others.
You can try to empathize with what they are dealing with by trying to understand what they think they are dealing with.
This may not be your problem to fix or the right time to fix it. They can fix it when the right time comes.
Your mission, right now, is to listen and empathize.
Can you do that?