Your life might seem odd and quirky, but aren’t you glad you are not a character living in a sitcom?
Category: Articles
A good mentor will want to pass their knowledge along to future generations for both the common good and the personal ego. And both are a good thing.
Knowing you want to go somewhere is a great start. Knowing where somewhere is and plotting a course to get there is the key to learning and progression.
Don’t Let The Daily Grind Stop Your Progress
An event ticket offers you admission to the event. It may correspond to a specific seat in the venture. It may allow you access to various areas throughout a complex.
Whatever you want to build, the world needs you to build something.
That helping hand offered may not be a hand you want to help.
It’s all about who is behind the mic.
You probably go around dehydrated all day. Help the effort by starting off drinking 16 ounces of water immediately after you rise from bed.
You will go through periods where you are angry that no one seems to understand your struggles. You need to remember you do not know many of the struggles of others around you.