Sometimes, it’s an inspiration. Sometimes, it’s pure spite. Knowing the motivation behind your actions will help you understand why things work or don’t work for you.
Category: Podcasts
People tend to believe I know everything, but even I am not arrogant enough to think I can remember everything. But I can fake it by taking great notes and keeping them well organized.
The strong friends I often remind you to check in on will rebuff your efforts because they have learned they don’t have the right to show frustration in the face of chaos. Help them unlearn this false teaching.
Whatever you love will at some point become a pain to continue as it is. Take a break so that you can learn to love it again from a fresh perspective.
The sin of FOMO is that you can’t take a chance on missed opportunities. The sin of indecision is you don’t want to make a mistake and choose the wrong opportunities. Fight both fears and choose to do or not to do based on what is rationally right for you.
You don’t want to air all dirty laundry. You do want to let people know what is real and what is not about your life.
A more-often-than-not common trait of those who ask me why I do the seemingly crazy things I do is that they rarely take chances doing seemingly crazy things themselves. Those that do attempt their own crazy things know that what I am doing makes perfect sense.
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Subscribe via: iTunes | Stitcher | Blubrry | Spreaker | Player FM | YouTube | RSS | RadioPublic You can turn your life completely around by taking in less of what you don’t need and giving more away within reason to
There Is Still Very Little New Under The Sun – Technology is offering newly refreshed experiences for old formats, but most of these experiences aren’t exactly new.