It’s not the acknowledgment of your shortcomings that becomes a weakness, it letting the knowledge of those weaknesses get to you.
Category: Podcasts
If clichéd wisdom is mostly simple truth most people should know well, why don’t most people take the effort to follow it?
Wearing headphones while recording my podcast is an easy thing to do, which makes it an easy thing not to do. But this simple step adds great value to the overall production of the product. Often, it is the little things that make a great difference.
Just yielding a harvest does not make a successful farm. Know how much output you are supposed to have when the work is done.
Do you know a person on the verge of giving up on their dream? Do you believe in them? Don’t just speak kind words over them and walk away. Offer as much real assistance to their pursuits as you possibly can.
Being a hoarder is not okay, but holding on to things that have great meaning to you that make you question the space you give them is perfectly fine.
‘Fake it to you make it’ sound like great advice. But you should put less energy into faking your talents and more into building on the talents you actually possess.
The instruction to put your oxygen mask on first is not about being selfish. It’s about taking care of yourself first so that you have the ability to assist others.
Take out a sheet of paper and list the skills that you are proficient in and the skill where you are not. This simple exercise will pay major dividends, especially if you take the time to write it out.
Just because a person hates your product, doesn’t mean they hate you and all you personally stand for.