Your start won’t look like much when you start and maybe embasing to view as you look back from time and progress.
Category: Podcasts
A price tag is not the best gauge of an item’s value. The utility it provides offers a better perspective of worth.
There will be times in your life where people will need assistance and you will be powerless to offer much. Here is what you do in those cases.
Are you making a mess of a situation that would be fine if you left it well enough alone?
You need people willing to make sacrifices in order to support your mission. How willing are you to make similar sacrifices for those who take up that challenge? An extension of the lesson from this week’s Steps To Your Better You podcast.
You need people willing to make sacrifices in order to support your mission. How willing are you to make similar sacrifices for those who take up that challenge?
Everything of value has a cost that must be paid to acquire it. Have you ever considered the real cost of pursuing your dreams? Of not pursuing your dreams?
Accept the false apology, and move on with your life. Don’t let the bitterness that lives in their hearts infect yours.
Changing up a simple phrase can tell a lot about how important a task you’ve been given is or isn’t. Be vigilant in the words you use when assigning work–especially to yourself.
Whether you always seem to be within reach of a new opportunity, or your opportunities are lacking, you should periodically evaluate exactly how lucrative your opportunities are.