A short, sweet, and simple line of text directed to that person you care about really can show how much you care.
Category: Podcasts
If you’re on the move toward upgraded living, there will be more than a few sacrifices needed to get there.
The advice our grandmothers gave us that came straight from the Bible? Maybe no truer truth has ever been told.
I am glad the fad of master gurus telling the world it needs more nap time is dying. The best way to get proper rest is simply to go to bed a little earlier and wake up a little later.
Most of this stuff doesn’t take a genius to figure out. That doesn’t mean it will be so easy to implement.
There might be a substantial financial charge to pay for your upgrade, but the price most find to steep is the need to leave certain things–or certain ones–behind.
Don’t get to hung up on criticism of your body of work from a person who hasn’t taken the first step to start theirs.
There is no need to write million dollar checks for expenses that don’t exist, but don’t let current lack of progress keep you from being ready for the first big break.
It is okay to not want to rise to audacious heights. It is not okay to sabotage the advancement of others to keep them on your level.
You might be surprised at your ability to build grand structures from the discarded scraps of finished projects.