Lawyers deal with time in quarter hours and every quarter hour gets billed to someone. Lawyers seem to be successful, so there may be something to this process.
Category: Podcasts
Just like you should plan out what activities you should do to ensure success, you should not the things you should not do to hamper that success.
The motivations behind your work and another’s on a common project may not be shared. That is not a bad thing.
Meeting personal heroes often does not live up to the hype, both for you and them.
The key to fixing a problem with an out of control mouth is to admit the problem is yours, not theirs.
We take another break from fresh content to celebrate getting this far, and boost our own egos in the process.
We make fun of people forced to pay a ‘stupid tax,’ but there really is an adverse cost from not having proper knowledge.
Their best interest should not be the main motivation for giving you a hand, but it does make it easier for them to buy in.
Know what the number you use to plot your course really mean, and how misinterpretation can steer you off course.
You may find yourself forced to choose what is really important when you begin to completely deplete your energy and abilities.