n motivational quote that some Facebookers take offense made me think about what exactly I am doing with my own motivational messages.

Simple wisdom that my kid reminds me of constantly. Even if she tends to believe she should not be held to the same standard.

Whether you are a creator or just a person feeling the blues, the best way to find inspiration is to get up and go find it. Somewhere where you currently are not.

Bad decisions have cumulative effects that take a lifetime of toll over your lifetime. Do not expect to snap your fingers and watch it instantly get all better?

When you set that alarm the night before, you’re promising yourself you’re going to get up at that time. Get up at that time.
Survivor guilt occurs when a person believes they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic or tragic event when others did not. Do not succumb to this feeling.
e crowds with the orders that they asked for.
The last lesson was about finding a way to clear your personal clutter. Make sure you are not enabling other’s personal clutter additions when you give physical gifts to friends and family.
This is more than semantic gymnastics. People have a right to ask you questions about your motives to get a better understanding. But when they openly question what your motives are, you need to evaluate them yourself.
I had a hard time getting this week’s message recorded and sent. But I got it recorded and sent (although a little late) without skipping much of a beat because of the amount of time I have been podcasting and working on this podcast specifically.